May 1, 2013. Business Meeting 158, Theme: “Rebels at Work”


TMOE: Saeed Iqbal

Rebels at Work – “Labour Day Special”

If you have ever made the mistake of suggesting another way to do things and received negative criticism, than you know what I am talking about. You might have been told that you are committing a career suicide and were advised to curb your passion, and stick with a more disciplined career path.

Shall we avoid asking the “What if” question and submit to “Obedience to authority is essential to growth and development” or shall we try to get unstuck and find new ways to achieve goals? Why do so many companies exile their rebels to corporate Siberia at the very same time they’re trying to make their companies more innovative?

Come to our business meeting # 158 on Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at 7:30 pm and I will share with you some important insights.

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We are a leading Toastmasters Club from Dubai, UAE whose constant endeavor is to develop the Communicators and Leaders of Tomorrow.
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